INCC Quarterly Newsletter

String of Sausage Lichen

Welcome to INCC’s Autumn / Winter newsletter, summarising some of the many conservation projects we are undertaking for wildlife across Wales.  Over the last few months staff and trustees have been hard at work fundraising for our Investigating Nature Project, which if successful will see a dedicated team of journalists and researchers set up to […]

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Amman Valley: Community Wildlife Garden

INCC and volunteers have transformed a piece of land in the Amman Valley into a wildlife garden, now thriving with wildlife and open to visitors. In early 2022 INCC took over responsibility for an area of land next to the bowls pavilion in Garnant, with the idea of creating a wildlife garden for use by […]

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Marsh Fritillary Reintroduction Success

It’s now 18 months since INCC staff and volunteers collected the first caterpillars from the wild to bring back to the rearing pens at the National Botanic Gardens in Carmarthenshire. The last update, in July 2021, described how the next generation of caterpillars were hatching and starting to feed on the Devil’s-bit Scabious that is […]

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Conservation Report 2020 / 2021

Black Knapweed

Your support has made it possible for us to increase our nature conservation delivery in Wales and undertake important campaigns and species specific projects. The document below is a summary of the nature conservation work you have supported during 2020 – 2021. […]

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Amman Valley: Overview

Tair Carn overlooking the Amman Valley. Photo Rob Parry

INCC has been working with partner organisations and communities of the Amman Valley to bring about a greater awareness of the wildlife people share their valley with. The work has already highlighted the importance of the valley for wildlife, and just how committed local people are about wildlife and nature conservation. The Amman Valley is […]

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Amman Valley: Wildlife Surveys

Despite the Amman Valley supporting some nationally scarce species, relatively little biodiversity information is known about the area. INCC has always been keen to highlight the importance of the Amman Valley for biodiversity. The best way of doing that is to undertake ecological surveys. Identifying the presence and distribution of particular species enables INCC, to […]

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