Mae eich cefnogaeth wedi ei gwneud yn bosibl i ni gynyddu ein darpariaeth cadwraeth natur yng Nghymru a chynnal ymgyrchoedd pwysig a phrosiectau penodol i rywogaethau. […]
Category: Habitat restoration
Gwirfoddoli a INCC
Mae gwirfoddolwyr yn hanfodol i’r gwaith rydyn ni’n ei wneud. Mae Rhodri Rutherford wedi bod yn gwirfoddoli gyda’r INCC, gan helpu i fwydo lindys britheg y gors drwy ddarparu planhigion tamaid y cythraul ffres yn barhaus a sicrhau bod y planhigion yn cael eu dyfrio’n dda. Diolch! Helo, fy enw i yw Rhodri ac rwy’n […]
Marsh Fritillary Habitat Management
INCC are in the process of producing habitat management guides for some of the Amman Valley’s key species. […]
Amman Valley: Overview
INCC has been working with partner organisations and communities of the Amman Valley to bring about a greater awareness of the wildlife people share their valley with. The work has already highlighted the importance of the valley for wildlife, and just how committed local people are about wildlife and nature conservation. The Amman Valley is […]
Beaver Reintroduction Wales
In the past few decades there have been over 200 beaver reintroduction projects to 25 European countries. After their near extinction in the late 1800s, beavers have now been returned to all countries within the former range – with the exception of Portugal and Wales. INCC has been working in partnership with North Wales Wildlife […]