Our petition on the NRW Biodiversity Remit is being debated tomorrow (17.11.2020) at the Welsh Parliament’s Petition Committee. You can view the agenda here along with our latest representation to the committee. You can also watch the debate live tomorrow on Senedd TV.
In other news, our marsh fritillary population restoration project will be collecting caterpillars for rearing in spring of next year. We will be aiming to start a breeding population of marsh fritillary at Llantrisant Common (South Wales) as early as May 2021. This will be achieved by moving some of the collected caterpillars to the site as pupa where they can emerge as adults, find a mate and hopefully start laying eggs.
A full article on the project will be in your upcoming Natur Cymru magazine which is due out in Mid January 2021. Natur Cymru has been sorely missed in the conservation sector in Wales and we are very proud and excited to be bringing it back. We Hope you enjoy.