The Initiative for Nature Conservation Cymru (INCC) is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation established in 2018 (charity number 1180113) to serve the wildlife of Wales, and the people who care for and value the natural world. INCC operates on a Wales-wide remit. Its mission is ‘to be the strong unconstrained voice that Welsh wildlife needs, speaking out and putting the needs of wildlife first’.
The magazine Natur Cymru was taken on by INCC in 2020, to be made available to the charity’s supporters. Previously, it was published by a not-for-profit company.
The use of Welsh as well as English in Natur Cymru builds on the past provision for both languages in the magazine and allows INCC to communicate more effectively about its work, and about wildlife in Wales. It makes the magazine itself more accessible to the people of Wales, of whom around 1 in 5 (and rising) speak Welsh, according to national census data from 2011. Wales is truly a bilingual nation and making use of both languages will be vital to INCC engaging effectively with those we wish to influence, as well as those who already support our work.
As INCC works towards the equality of provision that is our aspiration, in line with the Welsh Language Act, we will work to allow the correspondents and contributors of Natur Cymru to communicate with us in the language of their choice. Over time, we will improve our Welsh language offer.